Tyler Kennedy Stent B. 1997

Tyler is drawn to exploring the inner conflicts between the rationality of our intentions as human beings and the irrational universes we nevertheless construct. He is particularly interested in portraying the darker spectrum of the human psyche and intensifies its expression aesthetically by manipulating watercolours to create vibrancy, iridescence and emotional depth in his portraits. There is a strong narrative aspect to his works which often capture absurd but layered moments in the unique lived experience of those he paints.

He has collaborated with multiple NGOs, painted murals in several countries and has held several successful solo shows, including one in London. He has also produced interdisciplinary works, including an award-winning illustrated book with the late Donna Rutherford, entitled “Moireach.”.

He is currently immersed in a collaboration with cultural anthropologist, Sophie-Claire Violette, creating a series of artworks in conversation with black feminism.

Selected Exhibitions and Murals

2017 Exhibited at the Cleveland Art Awards (Dunedin, NZ) (Placed Third in People’s Choice Award)

Solo Exhibition at the Artist’s Room Fine Art Gallery (Dunedin, NZ)

2018 Solo Exhibition at the Artist’s Room Fine Art Gallery (Dunedin, NZ)

Ed Sheeran Mural – Large scale and commissioned by the Dunedin City Council (Dunedin, NZ)Ralph Hotere Mural – Large scale tribute piece commissioned by the Dunedin City Council (Dunedin, NZ)

2019 Joint Exhibition at the Artist’s Room Fine Art Gallery (Dunedin, NZ) Illustrated “Moireach”, a sophisticated picture book

SoloExhibition at the Ben Oakley Gallery (London, UK)

2022 Collaborative Exhibition with cultural anthropologist Sophie-Claire Violette at the Artists Room Fine Art Gallery (Dunedin, NZ)

For all sales and enquiries please contact michelle@theartistsroom.co.nz at the Artists Room Fine Art Gallery in Dunedin, NZ

Or, if you are in the Northern Hemisphere please contact  info@benoakleygallery.com at the Ben Oakley Gallery in London, UK

The beautiful photographers I collaborate with:

A huge influence on my artwork is the work that has been going on in Nepal since the brutal earthquakes in 2014.

Conscious Impact is a sustainable rural development non-profit organisation based in the village of Takure, Nepal. Since the earthquakes, Conscious Impact has adapted from an earthquake relief project into an incredible long term partnership with the community that they serve. Through a focus on Natural Building, Agriculture and their Youth Outreach Program their partnership with the local community ensures that their programs are truly helpful, relevant and driven by local leadership from within the community.
Having spent significant time with Conscious Impact in 2018, I am consistently inspired by the work they're dong every day. If you are at all interested in volunteering or donating to the NGO, or simply would like more information click on the logo!

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